Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Snowshoe-A-Thon (Jan 28th)

The Parkallen Scouts have been working hard on their service project to help Kiwanis and UNICEF eliminate maternal neonatal tetanus in developing countries.  Scouts have surpassed their original goal of $100 and now they want to raise it higher by hosting a snowshoe-a-thon.

Both Scouter Tara and I have both offered to dye our hair to any colour that the Scout Troop wants us to have if the Scouts can raise $500, two colours if they get to $1,000, a random leader will be picked by me (sorry Scouter Krista) to dye their hair if the Scouts reach $1,500 and Scouter Liam will shave his beard if the first $500 goal is met.  The Scouts will be taking pledges on how many laps they can run in snowshoes outside on January 28th at the Parkallen School. 

This event was planned and executed by the youth in the Scout Troop.  All pledges made will be donated to the Eliminate Project and all pledges made will be matched by the Kiwanis Club of Edmonton and the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada.

For more information about the Eliminate Project please visit: 


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Lashing 101 & 102 (Jan 21st)

Scouts will continue their Winter survival training this week at the Parkallen School.  Scouts will be working on their lashing techniques to build shelters and other useful items.  Scouts are expected to bring they Scout Books and day packs for this event.

Also, as a reminder the Scout Troop is raising funds for the Kiwanis International/UNICEF Eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus in developing countries by having a Snowshoe-A-Thon on January 28th.  All proceeds will go to this project and should the scouts meet their goal many leaders will have different colour hair/less hair.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Winter Survival Training (Jan 14th)

Scouts will be working on their Winter survival skill this week at the Parkallen School.  Patrols will be working separately through a series of tasks.  Scouts are reminded to bring their Scout Books and day packs with their survival kits.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

First Scouts Meeting of 2015 (Jan 7th)

Scouts will be meeting this week at the Parkallen School Gym starting at 6:30 PM.  Scouts will be working on their troop service project to raise funds for the Eliminate Project, survival kits and planning the second half of the Scouting year.

Scouts will be getting their Scout Semi's this week to start working on them for Winter Camp 2015.